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10 micron bensinfilter til Volvo/BRP EFI, Erstatter: 502906

10 Microns bensin filter til følgende motorer passer alle Evinrude Ficht. E-Tec og di modeller.

Freight: From €29,- Read more
SKU: 18-7989

incl. VAT

10 Microns bensin filter til følgende motorer passer alle Evinrude Ficht.
E-Tec og di modeller.
Johnson/Evinrude/OMC/volvo penta Direct injeksjon 90-115hk 1998-nyere, 150-225 -250-300 hk 1999-nyere OEM original nummer 502906 / 385121b2 18.
Passer også OMC EFI Cobra modeller og volvo SX /EFI modeller fra 1991 - nyere) 3. 0l modeller, 1992 5.0l, 5.8l Ford og 4. 3 liter, 7.4 liter og 8.2 liter med elektriske bensinpumper fra 1992-1993.
Erstatter: volvo 3851218-2, 3852413, 3862228 Johnson/Evinrude 502906,

Passer md 3.0 gl, 3.0 GS 5.0gx i-c/-cfr-d/-DF, 5.0osi-c/-cfr-d/-DF 5.0gx i-e, 5.0gx i-ef, 5.0osi-e, 5.Ogx i-ef 5.0gx i-f, 5.0gx i-ff, 5.0osi-f, 5.0osi-ff 5.0gl-f, 5.0gl-ff 5.0gl-h, 5.0gl-hf 5.0gx i-g, 5.0gx i-GF, 5.0osi-g, 5.0osi-gf NC 5.0 fl, 5.0 FI 8.1gi-a/b/c/d, 8.1gsi, 8.1gx i-a/b/c, 8.1gx i-d/DF, 8.1osi-a/AF, +Ibs 8.1gi-forff, 8.1gx i-e/ef, 8.1osi-b/bf, +Ibs 8.1gi-g/GF, 8.1gx i-forff, 8.1osi-c/cf 8.1gii-g, 8.1gx ii-f 8.1gi-h, 8.1gi-hf, 8.1gx i-g, 8.1gx i-GF, 8.1osi-d, 8.1osi-df 8.1gii-h, 8.1gx ii-g md 7.4 gl, 8.2 gl NC 7.4 gl, 7.4 gi, 7.4 GIs; 8. 2 GIs LK 7.4, 8. 2 liter motorer wt 7.4, 8.2 liter motorer ef 7.4, 8.2 liter motorer by 7.4, 8.2 liter motorer 4.3gx i-b, 4.3gx i-bf, 4.3osi-b, 4.3osi-bf 4.3gl-a, 4.3gl-b, 4.3gl-c, 4.3gl-d 4.3gx i-a 4.3gx i-c/Ford/DF, 4.3osi-c/Ford/DF 4.3gx i-e, 4.3gx i-ef, 4.3osi-e, 4.3osi-ef 4.3gx i-f, 4.3gx i-ff, 4.3osi-f, 4.3osi-ff 4.3gl-e, 4.3gl-ef 4.3gl-g, 4.3gl-gf 4.3gx i-g, 4.3gx i-GF, 4.3osi-g, 4.3osi-gf md 4.3 gl, 4.3 GS hu, 4.3 gl, 4.3 GS, 4.3 gi NC 4.3 gl, 4.3 GS, 4.3 gi LK 4.3 liter motorer wt 4.3 liter motorer ef 4.3 liter motorer by 4.3 liter motorer hu, 7.4 gl, 8. 2 gl; 7.4 gi; 7.4 GIs 5.0gx i, 5.0osi, 5.7gi, 5.7osi, 5.7gx i, 5.7osx i 5.0gl/a/b/c/d/e, 5.7gl-a/b/c/d/e 5.0gx I-a, 5.7gi-a, 5.7gx I-a/b, 5.7gii-a, 5.7gx ii-a 5.7gi, 5.7gx i, 5.7osi, 5.7osx i, 5.7gii, 5.7gx ii 5.7gi, 5.7gx i, 5.7osi, 5.7osx i, 5.7gii, 5.7gx ii 5.7gi-forff, 5.7gx i-g/GF, 5.7osi-e/ef, 5.7osx i-e/ef 5.7gii-f, 5.7gx ii-g 5.7gi-g, 5.7gi-gf, 5.7gx i-h, 5.7gx i-HF, 5.7osi-g, 5.7osi-gf, 5.7osx i-g, 5.7osx i-GF 5.7gii-g, 5.7gx ii-h md 5.7 gl, 5.7 gi hu 5.7 gi NC 5.7 gl, 5.7 gi LK 5.7 liter motorer wt 5.0, 5.7 liter motorer ef 5.0, 5.7 liter motorer by 5.0, 5.7 liter motorer md 5.0 fl, 5. 8 fl md 5.0 FI, 5.8 FI hu 5.0 fl, 5.8 fl; 5.0 FI, 5.8 FI; 5.8 fsi NC 5.8 fl, 5.8 FI, 5.8 fsi.

Bensinfilter, 10µm, erst: OMC 502906, Volvo 3862228

EMP Bensinfilter, 10µm, erstatter: OMC 502906, Volvo 3862228